National Defence Course (ND Course)
Aim of the Course
To prepare selected senior officers of the armed forces, the civil services and the allied countries for taking higher responsibility in the direction and management of national security and development.
Objectives of the Course
To enhance course members’ knowledge on higher level national security and defence issues and matters affecting national policy.
To reinforce course members’ understanding of Bangladesh institutions and society.
To enhance course members’ understanding of the factors that influence national policy making.
To develop course members’ strategic vision.
To improve course members’ personal qualities, individual skills and interpersonal relationship.
Course Duration
The Course is of 47 weeks duration and is distributed into four (04) terms. Each terms consists of 10-12 weeks.
Pre - Course Reading Materials
Click here to visit Pre-course reading materials
Course Curriculum
National Defence Course is a multidisciplinary course tailored to suit the stated aim and the objectives. The 11 months long course is divided into four terms. Each term is 10 to 12 weeks long, concentrating on related key aspects. The theme moves from Bangladesh to global issues and to international relations. It focuses on analysis of Bangladesh’s National Security and a look into the future. Course curriculum includes visits and tour programmes, designed to support the terms. An outline of the terms are:
Term-1 Strategic Concept and Leadership
This term is designed to enhance CMs knowledge on the basic and contemporary theories of International Relation, Geo-politics, Geo-strategy, Geo-economy and also to educate CMs on the concept of nation-state and state’s machineries with particular reference to Bangladesh. The term includes the study of international order, concept of power and influence in international politics and different international organizations/institutes. The main objective to educate CMs on contemporary strategic leadership concept, develop strategic vision and improve communication and interpersonal skills. This term consists of five major elements including Research Methodology and individual Research Paper.
Term-2 Security and Development Studies
The elements of this term is framed to develop a detailed understanding of contemporary approaches to security, ongoing security concept and future trends and provision of security in 21st century. To enhance CMs knowledge on theoretical framework of national and international security, explore security through development nationally, regionally and internationally with particular emphasis on security solutions and options for small and developing nations. The objective of this term is to provide CMs with functional knowledge on how to make Strategic Security Net Assessments in support of policy and strategy making. This term consists of seven major elements including Research Methodology and individual Research Paper(continuation).
Term-3 Strategies and Policies
This term includes the study of theoretical framework of policy and strategy making process. The objective of the term is to familiarize CMs with strategic decision-making context, hierarchy, factors and stake holders and also to afford practical experience of policy and strategy making process. This term consists of five major elements including Research Methodological and individual Research Paper(continuation).
Term-4 Regional and Global Affairs
This term is to provide CMs with comprehensive global and regional view of security by reviewing geo-political hotspots and strategic issues. With reference to this objective reinforce CMs’ strategic insight by visiting countries in the region, strategic neighborhood and beyond. Wrapping up of discussion on strategic leadership, policy, strategy formulation and any other issues from previous term. Conducting Policy Formulation Exercise, conclude research work and terminate course on a high note with festivity of graduation ceremony and farewell. This term is consists of five major elements including submission of individual Research Paper and exams.
On successful completion of the course, the esteemed course members are awarded with the post-nominal symbol ‘ndc’ through a graduation ceremony held in a grand setting. It is usually graced by the Head of the Government or Head of the State.